Monday, March 4, 2013


(Fortunately) there's not much news to report! Had an appointment with my midwife and she said all looks good and we are both a "picture of health". Baby R has a strong heartbeat, and now I just have to try to gain some weight. I lost about 5 lbs up front and today at 13 weeks 5 days have only gained 1 lb back. It's really hard to gain weight when ALL food smells and tastes disgusting. I am constantly in the kitchen making food, putting it away, and making something else until I finally come up with something I can stomach. Other than that, I have few complaints! I'm just happy the little guy is healthy and all this nausea is for a good cause.

So the real purpose of this post is much less of an update since there's so little to report and more a means to share the little video (really audio clip) at the bottom of this post. Alex and I ordered a home fetal doppler in order to listen to the baby's heartbeat at home. It's the same thing that doctors and midwives use at the appointments between ultrasounds. Anyway, I figured out how to record it and there it is! Baby R's heartbeat at 13 weeks 5 days!

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