Yesterday for Alex's birthday we went in for a 3d ultrasound. Neither of us were quite sure what to expect, but it was so special! Baby R was sleepy but alert and even smiled at us a few times! Definitely has Alex's button chin and adorable smile! We can't decide whose nose, but we think that lips and cheek/facial structure come from me!
As for the medical details, the little was 4lbs, approx. 16+ inches, with a strong steady heartbeat! (S)he's already turned head down and facing to the right.
Those are about all the updates I have on the baby front. As most of you know we're headed to Monterey, CA towards the end of the year for Alex to start his MS in Computer Science in Jan! Since he'll be far far away in the Sandbox before the baby's even born, I'm slowly trying to figure out the logistics of moving us by myself up-state with the little. The plan now is to pack out and drive up in early November. Hopefully we can find a house quickly in order to move in and take our time getting settled before our Christmas travelling and Alex arriving home to start school. We shall see how it all happens as we get a little closer!
I guess that's about it for now! I'll try to add another picture of my ever expanding belly shortly. For now, here are a couple cute photos from the ultrasound! Love that little smile!!
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